Grassroot Initiatives

Grassroot Initiatives

💪🏽Local Initiatives

RealtimeAid currently supports 10 local organisations in Al Raqqa Syria to run community projects ranging from learning centres for special needs children, sports classes for traumatised young people and refurbishing former ISIS prisons to turn them into safe play spaces for youth and women. RealtimeAid works on a participatory basis. This involves working with our network of grassroots organisations and Changemakers to identify local community needs. We also set-up and work with specific community representative groups to ensure that any one group such as elites/ruling groups/men are not the sole decision-makers as to where humanitarian or development aid money should be given. Community Representative Groups RealtimeAid works with a Local Advisory Board, a Women’s Survey Group as well as the Changemakers and Local Initiatives. These groups serve a number of different roles including: oversight of projects, monitoring and data collection, able to process grievances from the local community. They are trained in their roles so learn technical skill sets which benefit the strengthening of wider civil society - which has been severely disrupted by war and the purposeful destruction of such groups by ISIS. Participatory Decision Making 2022 Awards Process Al Raqqa, Syria RealtimeAid launched a micro-grant in 2022, aimed at supporting grassroots civil society throughout the City of Al Raqqa. A participatory process was designed to manage the process. This included an application process which took into account local language Arabic, so information was shared via various media in both Arabic as well as English. The Award information was spread through RealtimeAid’s grassroots network, as well as general flyers and social media. The voting process was done through an online tool which allowed Community Representative Groups to add their comments, explain their choice of project initiative. The final projects are selected based on the short-list collated via the Community Representative Group voting outcomes and the criteria as set out in the initial Award criteria.

Local Initiatives