Harmonizing Reporting Pilot (8+3 template) - final review

Harmonizing Reporting Pilot (8+3 template) - final review

Published Date: 30 July 2020

This review report details the results of the ‘Harmonizing Reporting Pilot’ and the experience of donors and partners with the harmonized reporting template, also called ‘8+3 template’. Piloting the harmonized reporting template for the last two years showed that most users view the new template as a significant improvement over existing donor templates, because it simplifies and standardizes the narrative reporting process considerably. As such, the new harmonized reporting template is an important building block in achieving the Grand Bargain commitment to “simplify and harmonize reporting requirements.“

We have conducted extensive testing and development of the reporting methodology in various projects. This iterative process has enabled us to identify areas for improvement, streamline workflows, and tailor the template to better suit the specific needs of different projects.

Furthermore, we have actively engaged with donors, partners, and stakeholders throughout the testing and development phases. Their feedback and input have played a vital role in shaping the methodology and ensuring its alignment with industry best practices and reporting standards.

As a result of these rigorous testing efforts, we have successfully fine-tuned the reporting methodology, incorporating essential elements such as onboarding processes, due diligence procedures, and a comprehensive grievance workflow. These additions have further enhanced our ability to gather and analyse the necessary data to generate comprehensive 8+3 reports.

By implementing the reporting methodology across multiple projects and continuously refining its components, we have solidified its reliability and effectiveness. We are confident that the developed methodology will provide a strong foundation for generating high-quality reports and achieving the objectives of harmonised and simplified reporting requirements.

We remain committed to ongoing evaluation and improvement, ensuring that the reporting methodology continues to meet the evolving needs of our projects and partners.

The next major version of the software will be piloted in towards the end of the year as part of a new round of grant awards in Al Raqqa, Syria. The pilot accepted applications for new projects, and in just 4 days, more than 250 applications were submitted and processed. Currently, RealtimeAid and FrontlineAid work with 15 organisations with a budget of two million euros, however five new grassroots organisations will be added and supported using their infrastructure.



Resource: https://interagencystandingcommittee.org/harmonize-and-simplify-reporting-requirements/harmonizing-reporting-pilot-83-template-final-review