Referral Mapping Specialist

Role Overview:

We are recruiting a Referral Mapping Specialist that will be able to provide RealtimeAid and our local partners with referral mapping, different policies and case management system as described in the deliverables below. The specialist is expected to regularly communicate and coordinate with NGOs and IGOs in NES region, regularly communicating with Realtime Aid team. The specialist should be available for regular follow-up and direct consultations throughout the entire project period to hand out the deliverables as described.


The Referral Mapping Specialist will be responsible for leading the mapping of Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Services (MHPSS) referral pathways within Raqqa City and across Northeast Syria. The position is expected to work with RealtimeAid's Changemaker network in Raqqa City, local civil society and NGO partners working in Raqqa City, formal and non-formal stakeholders

The selected specialist must be regularly available to participate in project team meetings.

Specific responsibilities of the Referral Mapping Specialist are to:

  • Developing research on relevant policies (child protection policy, safeguarding and code of conduct) and existing action plans at the local level;

Deliverable no.1: Developed policies on child protection, safeguarding and code of conduct.

  • Developing a comprehensive report on the information obtained from the local stakeholders, and their findings regarding case management situation, protection and safeguarding needs and available resources (Identify, list and provide key information on multi sectoral case management and protection services )

Deliverable no.2: Report on the status of local stakeholders in relation to protection, safeguarding and case management.

  • Conducting mapping of protection services (education, psychosocial support, cash and basic needs etc...)

Deliverable no.3: Map of protection services in NES and orientation meeting with different stakeholders is implemented and documented through a report

  • Support protection actors and actors providing services to the participants in order to improve the coordination between NGOs and IGOs and different stakeholders in NES

Deliverable no.4: Report highlighting the achievements resulting from the support of the referral specialist to the stakeholders

  • Creating a case management system for NES that can be used by different NGOs that will be identified by the referral specialist after field screening

Deliverable no.5: Case management system and orientation meeting on the case management system delivered to the different stakeholders.

  • Assessment of quality of services provided by the NGOs and IGOs in NES through conducting in-depth interviews with special cases and service providers

Deliverable no.6: Analysis of assessment of quality of services delivered by the NGOs and IGOs in NES

Education, Qualifications, Competences, Skills Required:

  • University degree in the relevant field;
  • A minimum of 5 years of relevant experience;
  • Experience of the candidate in performing similar projects or programs; and experience in working in Ar-Raqqa and in NES on MHPSS projects
  • Experience in case management systems in Ar-Raqqa and in NES
  • An example of previous work as a reference of previous experience is desirable.
  • Ability to travel to Ar-Raqqa city is desirable

Required Submission Documents

Note: Implementation should last from 1st of October until January 14, 2023.

  • work schedule time frame activities
  • Financial offer:

Realtime Aid will negotiate the number of days of engagement with the selected Specialist on the basis of the financial offer (gross amount) that will classify the following workplan:

number of days

Rate per day


The total cost should cover all preparatory work regarding the job description, communication costs between project team, consultant and organizations (e-mail, telephone, fax, mail).

  • CV of candidate

Please send your updated CV including. Sending an example of similar previous work is desirable. Scoring Criteria Submissions will be scored using the following table:

Name of Submission





Financial offer (30%)

total score

Ranking How to apply Please send your workplan, financial offer and CV along with previous work sample to We will only contact short-listed candidates with a subject email “Applying for Referral Specialist Position”. Please apply by the 23rd of September until 5 PM Berlin Time. (GMT+2).

  • Applications that do not follow this procedure will not be considered.